Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Meet Isaac and Jesse

FirstLine Schools would like to formally introduce two of the newest team members Isaac Henry and Jesse Short. Isaac and Jesse are both Louisiana Delta Service Corps members serving at FirstLine. Isaac and Jesse began their service at FirstLine in September and will complete their service at the end of July.
                   (Left: Isaac Henry. Right: Jesse Short)

Isaac is coming to FirstLine from Shelbourne Falls, Massachusetts. Isaac attended, and graduated from, the University of Vermont in Burlington where he studied political science. Upon graduating, Isaac served for one year as a City Year member in Baton Rouge. He came to FirstLine to serve as the Volunteer Coordinator. Isaac will be helping with the on-boarding of new volunteers and participating with volunteer recruitment.    
Jesse is coming to FirstLine from Omaha, Nebraska. Jesse attended, and graduated from, the University of Nebraska Omaha where he studied public relations and advertising. Jesse will be serving as the Technology and Social media coordinator for FirstLine. He will be working on different projects that involve social media and other internal and external communications projects.

We at FirstLine would like to welcome Isaac and Jesse to the team and look forward to having a productive year!

Jesse Short is a Louisiana Delta Service Corps member serving at FirstLine Schools as the Technology and Social Media Coordinator.

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