All FirstLine parents are invited to attend free cooking and
nutrition classes being offered now. Classes are being held on Wednesdays (through
April 3rd) from 11am-1pm in the Ashe Teaching Kitchen. Classes are taught by Chef April, FirstLine
Health and Wellness Manager, and hosted by Edible Schoolyard New Orleans and SecondHarvest Food Bank.
The classes are part of Share OurStrength’s Cooking Matters series. Parents get to learn, cook and eat in every
class. Chef April leads parents through important lessons like reading a
nutrition label, food safety, and making a healthy meal for a family on a
budget. At the end of each class, parents are able to take home a grocery bag
of ingredients and the recipes used in class so that they can practice
preparing the meal at home.
If you are a FirstLine parent interested
in participating, contact Chef April. This is the only way to secure your spot! We hope to see you there!
McDonough is a School Wellness Program Coordinator with School Health
Connection, a program of the Louisiana Public Health Institute (LPHI). School
Health Connection partners with FirstLine Schools in supporting comprehensive
school wellness programming. Visit School Health Connection on Facebook here: